It has been a long time since I have added to this blog. I guess the 2008 elections and subsequent economic depression and Democratic bungling has left me with little incentive to post. I am, however, now convinced that the current administration and their policies of power grabbing regardless of the costs (financial; personal freedoms) and the corruptness of politicians regardless of party are seriously threatening our way of life. So... I will vent in my blog. Rather than focus on my frustrations, I will share some of the ways I have tried to cope with the increasing anger directed at our country's leadership.
Did you know that striking a golf ball is a great way to take out frustrations? It is for me, so I have maximized my opportunities for playing. Not that my handicap has improved (currently 9), but, perhaps because I am hitting more shots and still walking most rounds, I am usually relaxed after a round of golf. My golfing buddies have varied political views which make our conversations interesting. After rounds of golf, my golfing group often gathers for card playing, a further distraction from decreasing retirement funds, higher costs of living, and our aging process.
Susan and I have invested in Kindles and are spending more time reading together. Talking about mystery novels is less stressful than wringing our hands about the rape of our country. We read before going to sleep (nighttime reading is a great soporific for me!) and are getting 6-8 hours sleep most nights - a big change from my 5 hours per night while I was practicing.
Daily exercise (40min morning workouts with pilates, yoga, stretching, pushups, etc) plus weekly pilates or ortho-bionomy massage, complements my golfing and fishing and, for the most part, has kept me healthy these past several months. Susan and I have also done better watching our diets and our weight remains stable.
We have delayed some home improvements to protect our cash flow and continue to receive professional advise about our investments.
Our extended family also occupies much of my thinking time and our time with Ryan each Monday certainly helps keep priorities straight.
All the above work for me to keep focused on what I can do to protect myself from excessive stress. So far it's working.